I was going to reserve my opinion on this story, until further investigation into the allegations of the four young men involved in the Bishop Long controversy. Here's the long/short---Bishop Long is a pastor of a mega church on the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia, over the years of ministering past presidents, diplomats and distinguish congregation parishioners, Mr. Long was allegedly having sexual relations with young men of his flock. All the while, Bishop Long was denounced homosexuality on his pulpit for all the world to hear.
Now, you may ask, what's wrong with this picture---well, Bishop Long is married and has 4 children and a confirmed heterosexual. But, as he said in a press conference in front of his congregation, "I am not a perfect man"..denoting the fact that we are all infallible to some degree and shall not be persecuted for our indiscretions.
I'm not going to kick a brother while he's down, but when you preach hate for a segment of the population you find fault with on a consistent basis--there is always something behind this. Always!!!
Gays and Lesbians have be victimized by bully pulpit baiters...with their relentless rhetoric and dire need to make them feel masculine and worthy of the opposite sex attention. This perceive bravado not only cost them their livelihood, but the very trust of their parish.
Bishop Long, I wish you the best and in all honesty---I don't want a HATER on my team.